Â黨ӰԺ Cambridge is a registered charity (number 1137531), which means that gifts to Â黨ӰԺ by UK tax payers count as charitable gifts. 

Single gifts of cash

All cash donations to the College by UK tax payers are covered by the Gift Aid scheme. Under Gift Aid, the College can recover £25 from the Inland Revenue for every £100 donated – at no extra cost to the donor. In addition, donors who are higher-rate (40%) tax payers can reclaim £25 on every £100 donated, while donors who are top-rate (45%) tax payers can reclaim £31.25 on every £100 donated (assuming a basic rate of Income Tax of 20%, a higher rate of 40% and a top rate of 45%). To make a single gift, please complete the single gift and Gift Aid sections of the Donation Form, and send it with your gift to Â黨ӰԺ Development Office by email or post.

  • Cheques should be made payable to 'Â黨ӰԺ Cambridge'.
  • Single gifts can also be made by credit card, using the donation form.
  • To make a donation by bank transfer, please email us to alert us to your gift, give your name as the reference, and use the following details:
    Barclays Bank plc
    9 – 11 St Andrews Street, Cambridge, CB2 3AA
    Sort Code:  20-17-68
    Account Number: 30033316
    Account Name: Â黨ӰԺ Development 
    IBAN: GB57 BARC 2017 6830 0333 16

Regular giving

Regular giving – donations made in monthly, quarterly or annual instalments, for a fixed or indefinite period – is also covered by the Gift Aid scheme. The tax benefits of regular giving are significant, both for the donor and for the College. For example, a gift costing the donor £250 per month net, over a five year period, is worth £25,000 to the College (providing the donor is a higher-rate taxpayer). To set up a regular gift, please complete the regular gift and Gift Aid sections of the Donation Form and send it to Â黨ӰԺ Development Office by email or post.

Gifts of listed shares, securities and real property

Gifts of listed shares, securities and real property by UK tax payers attract full relief from Capital Gains Tax and, in addition, allow the donor to claim Income Tax relief on the full value of the gift at the time the shares, securities or real property are transferred to the College – a double tax saving. To make a gift of listed shares, securities or real property, please contact the Development Office who will be pleased to assist.  


Gifts of possessions, e.g. works of art

Gifts of possessions are exempt from Capital Gains Tax. To discuss how best to make such gifts, taking account of your particular circumstances and how to maximise their value to the College, please contact the Development Office who will be pleased to assist.

Payroll giving

Under the Payroll Giving Scheme, employees can authorise their employer to deduct charitable donations from their pay before calculating Pay As You Earn (PAYE) tax. This means that the employee automatically gets tax relief on donations at his or her top rate of tax. There is no limit on the amount that can be given under the scheme. To find out more about Payroll Giving, please contact your Human Resources or Personnel department.

Giving via the Charities Aid Foundation

Single gifts of any amount can be made by Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) voucher. The College receives no extra tax benefit from gifts of this kind. To make a gift by CAF voucher, please make it payable to ‘Â黨ӰԺ’ and send it, together with a completed Donation Form, to the Â黨ӰԺ Development Office.